What can you do if:

  • Teachers, principals and school therapists are the bullies but they won’t admit it?
  • Teachers, principals and school therapists minimize school bullying or won’t believe that your child is being bullied?
  • Bosses won’t stop bullies in the workplace?
  • The police won’t stop bullies at home?

The first step is always to document – that’s called “getting compelling evidence.”

But how?  Modern technology puts getting evidence in the hands of everyone.

For example, as reported by the Huffington Post, “Stuart Chaifetz sent his 10-year-old son to New Jersey's Horace Mann Elementary School wearing a hidden audio recorder.  The move came in reaction to accusations from the school that his son Akian was having ‘violent outbursts,’ including hitting his teacher and teacher's aide -- claims that Chaifetz claims are against his son's "sweet and non-violent" nature.  Akian, who has Autism, returned with a tape containing hours of apparent verbal and emotional abuse from his classroom aide and teacher -- whom Chaifetz identifies as "Jodi" and "Kelly" -- a recording which his father later published on YouTube.”

“As the tape continues, the teacher and teacher's aide's behavior turns from inappropriate to cruel.”

Also, “This was the case for parents of a special needs student at Miami Trace Middle School in Ohio, who sent their daughter to school with a hidden tape recorder last fall after the girl repeatedly complained about teacher bullying.  The revelation was shocking: the educators on the recording called the child lazy and dumb, and forced her to run on a treadmill with increasing speed.”

In those cases, the teachers were bullying the students.  But the same method would be effective for gathering evidence about other kids who are bullies and for stopping bullies at work and at home.

It’s hard to ignore that kind of evidence, even for do-nothing principals who want to look the other way, who won’t stop bullying.  Those negative, do-nothing principals are usually a major factor in suicides of victimized kids.

Those teachers and principals will need to be forced before they’ll do anything.  You won’t make things better for your child by being a peacemakerBegging, bribery, endless praise, appeasement, endless ‘second chances,’ unconditional love and the Golden Rule usually encourage more harassment, bullying and abuseThese incompetents may initiate processes but they won’t do the difficult work of getting results.  They won’t stop emotional bullies or physical bullying.

The take-home message is always to give the responsible authorities a chance, but if they don't do their jobs to stop a pattern of school bullying, solve the problem yourselfDon't be a victim waiting forever for other people to protect you.  Use your own powerSay “That’s enough!”  Say “No!” Stopping bullies is more important than never using violence.

I’m not a lawyer.  Check your state laws about what you’re allowed to do to get evidence in secret and what’s illegal.

The steps are:

  1. Get evidence.
  2. Get a lawyer.
  3. Get publicity.
  4. Get a law suit started.

For some examples, see the case studies in “How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks” and “Parenting Bully-Proof Kids,” available fastest from this web site.

Since all tactics depend on the situation, expert coaching by phone or Skype helps.  We can design a plan that fits you and your situation.  And build your will and skill to carry it out effectively.

Who’s responsible for an employee’s morale?  Many people think it’s the manager’s responsibility.  But I say it depends. For example, before Sarah became manager of her new team, she’d been warned that the group had longstanding problems with low productivity and morale.  Sarah rapidly discovered the warnings were accurate.  Her staff spent too much time at work complaining and dealing with emotional outbursts.  However, a careful analysis revealed the problem wasn’t the whole team. It began with one employee, Penny.  Penny was never pleased and was clear about whose fault it was.

To read the rest of this article from The Memphis Business Journal, see: Don’t allow an employee to bully workplace over ‘morale’ claims http://www.bizjournals.com/memphis/print-edition/2011/06/03/dont-allow-an-employee-to-bully.html

Sometimes, managers can be unfair, arbitrary and bullying.  But in this case, Penny, an employee, was the bully.  She had used her unhappiness to coerce previous managers to do what she wanted.  She maintained her power by never being satisfied.

Learn what Sarah did legally and what Penny decided to do in response.

All tactics are situational.  Expert coaching and consulting can help you create and implement a plan that fits you and your organization.  The result will be eliminating the high cost of low attitudes.

Who’s responsible for an employee’s morale?  Many people think it’s the manager’s responsibility.  But I 

say it depends.

For example, before Sarah became manager of her new team, she’d been warned that the group had

longstanding problems with low productivity and morale.  Sarah rapidly discovered the warnings were

accurate.  Her staff spent too much time at work complaining and dealing with emotional outbursts.

However, a careful analysis revealed the problem wasn’t the whole team. It began with one employee,

Penny.  Penny was never pleased and was clear about whose fault it was.

Post #63 – BulliesBeGoneBlog Workplace Bullying and Harassment: Recognize Common Techniques Bullies Use http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2009/03/25/workplace-bullying-and-harassment-recognize-common-techniques


Post #156 – BulliesBeGoneBlog Stop Bullies: Ignore Their Excuses, Justifications http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2011/02/28/stop-bullies-ignore-their-excuses-justifications/

Post #9 – BulliesBeGoneBlog This unhappy employee created a hostile, bullying workplace http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2008/02/01/this-unhappy-employee-created-a-hostile-bullying-workplace/

Post #14 – BulliesBeGoneBlog Top ten ways to create a hostile workplace http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2008/02/26/top-ten-ways-to-create-a-hostile-workplace/

Read more

To read the rest of this article from The Memphis Business Journal, see: Don’t allow an employee to bully workplace over ‘morale’ claims http://www.bizjournals.com/memphis/print-edition/2011/06/03/dont-allow-an-employee-to-bully.html

Sometimes, managers can be unfair, arbitrary and bullying.  But in this case, Penny, an employee, was the

bully.  She had used her unhappiness to coerce previous managers to do what she wanted.  She maintained

her power by never being satisfied.

Post #19 – BulliesBeGoneBlog Stop verbal abuse by a know-it-all-boss http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2008/03/19/stop-verbal-abuse-by-a-know-it-all-boss/

Post #104 – BulliesBeGoneBlog Stop Toxic Coworkers and Other Bullies http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2010/02/02/stop-toxic-coworkers-and-other-bullies/

Post #79 – BulliesBeGoneBlog You can’t Stop Bullying at Work with Employee Satisfaction Programs http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2009/07/03/you-cant-stop-bullying-at-work-with-employee-satisfaction-pro


Post #117 – BulliesBeGoneBlog Stop Bullies at Work: Control Freaks http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2010/05/04/stop-bullies-at-work-control-freaks/

Learn what Sarah did legally and what Penny decided to do in response.

Post #30 – BulliesBeGoneBlog Avoid litigation that will keep you awake at night http://www.bulliesbegoneblog.com/2008/11/21/avoid-litigation-that-will-keep-you-awake-at-night/

All tactics are situational.  Expert coaching and consulting can help you create and implement a plan

that fits you and your organization.  The result will be eliminating the high cost of low attitudes.

BulliesBeGone Hire Ben http://www.bulliesbegone.com/hire_ben.html

BulliesBeGone Books and CDs http://www.bulliesbegone.com/products.html