I consulted with someone who was slowly being sucked dry by work “Vampires”.  She felt too drained and fatigued to produce what she needed to.  She spent too much time off-track listening to “soap operas” or helping people do their jobs.  She tried to help others to settle their conflicts only to find herself in the middle and being blamed by everyone.  She took everything to heart and tried to make everyone happy.  She thought that the most important thing was not to hurt anyone’s feelings.

To read the rest of this article from the Denver Business Journal, see:
Drive a Stake Into the Hearts of Work "Vampires"

  • Let’s focus here on the attitudes and some action plans she now uses.
    Attitudes always come first.
  • She responds to the warning signs she previously ignored: where vampires lurk, what they use for cover, and how they catch people unawares.
    She is committed to saying, “No” when it’s appropriate.  She reaches “burn-out” with people who continue to take without giving back.
  • She learned how to say, “No” by observing, asking good teachers how they do it, and practicing (trial and course-correction).
  • She identifies the warning signs she previously ignored: where vampires lurk, what they use for cover, and how they catch people unawares.
  • She puts responsibilities where they belong and she doesn’t get caught in the middle of other people’s problems.
  • She needs good solid blocks of time to do her own tasks. She demands them and preserves them. That’s her first priority.
And if she ever again feels drained and fatigued after interacting with someone, she just has to get the garlic and stakes - check her attitudes, develop a strategy, gather her resources (determination, perseverance, resilience, flexibility, humor), use her skills, and take appropriate action.

The best way to learn how to protect and defend yourself, and to set high standards is to hire Dr. Ben for personalized coaching and organizational consulting.

Design and implement an anti-bullying plan that eliminates the high cost of low attitudes in your workplace.  To get the help you need, call Ben at 1-877-828-5543.